On Friday, December the 15th three wild caught dolphins were found at the ‘Menjangan Shark Pool’, a tourist attraction In KarimunJawa area very poor condition. When the team arrived at the location we observed the poor dolphins kept inside a very shallow pool between reef sharks!

Within 48 hours we lost two dolphins despite fast action taken by both our team & the National Park Authorities assisted by the army & navy. The dolphins were relocated to the worlds ONLY permanent rehabilitation sea pen for dolphins in Kemujan, KarimunJawa area.

One dolphin fortunately was nursed back to health & then succesfully released. KarimunJawa is the area where the captive dolphin facilities in Indonesia take their dolphins from, all being illegally captured from the open sea to be abused in one of the worlds last dolphin travel circus.

In 2011 the worlds first dolphin permanent rehabilitation facility was constructed here, with the support & guidance of @dolphin_project & in collaboration with the Forestry Department National Park Authorities in KarimunJawa to enable illegally captured & imprisoned dolphins to be rehabilitated back to the wild.

As for this case, our team will monitor, very closely, the legal actions taken against those responsible for these severe crimes & we have to CLOSE DOWN the traveling circuses to truly see an end to this ongoing exploitation happening to dolphin! Lets thanks @kementrianlhk for the fast action & to end dolphin travel shows in 2018.


In these BBC episodes, they exposes the immense cruelty inflicted on dolphins in Indonesia!

To watch the full episode, click the link -

Travelling dolphin shows/circuses only continue to exist in Indonesia & programs that allow you to swim with dolphins are responsible for the ongoing suffering of these magnificent, clever & social marine mammals. This is a form of very irresponsible tourism, allowing protected animals to be exploited!

Our calls to the Indonesian Government to end this cruelty remain unanswered! You can help by sharing the link to the video on your social media, tag our dear President, Mr Joko Widodo & also the Minister of Forestry, Ms Siti Nurbaya.

For more information, visit our website!


Interested in helping and getting involved?
You can either financially adopt a sea turtle nest or by volunteering on the island itself! Read below for more details.

You can help our program directly by 'adopting' your very own sea turtle nest for just IDR 100,000! Your name will be placed on the nest and you will receive a photo plus footage when the hatchlings actually hatch and scuttle off to the ocean.
We now have open spaces for volunteers to help out on the island and see first hand what it is we are all doing to help the marine life. Volunteers are required to pay their own costs but will have a unique experience on one of Indonesia's most beautiful beaches as well as be DIRECTLY involved in making a difference!

If you are interested in any of these options and want to get involved, please email

To read more about our ‘Sea Turtle Protection Program’ just click here.