Our official coalition between other organizations, dedicated to ending the dog meat trade in Indonesia!

Previously we were working on our Dogs Are Not Food campaign but have now collaborated with other trust worthy, amazing animal organizations such as Change For Animals Foundation, Animal Friends Jogja & Humane Society International to come back with a brand new, strong campaign called Dog Meat Free Indonesia or DMFI!

The official launch was on November 2nd 2017 & is supported by many local as well as international influencers such as Sophia Latjuba, Melanie Subono, Ricky Gervais, Joanna Lumley, Gamaliel Tapiheru, Peter Egan & many more. Below is the official film ‘I Didn’t Know’ please watch (no slaughter of dogs) & please sign our petition on our official DMFI website – www.dogmeatfreeindonesia.org.

Now that YOU know, will you help us TAKE ACTION? Head to the DMFI website to sign the petition & please spread awareness!

ALL information regarding the dog meat trade can be found on our website.
You can also subscribe to our official DMFI Youtube Channel – Dog Meat Free Indonesia to keep updated on our campaign!